Saturday, August 21, 2010

More thoughts for this Sunday

I was reflecting on the narrow door. A lot of people say that they do not need to go to Mass; they can pray in their own way. That's all well and good; but what about God's way, the way he has asked us to go In Christ.  If we cut ourselves off from the sacraments - either by sin or laziness- we are depriving ourselves of so much we cannot even begin to imagine. To say I don't need to go to Mass or confession to be close to God, is as foolish as saying I do not need to drink water or breath. The Sacraments give us life.

I have two hanging baskets. Both have done well this year; the good weather and  care I give them are the main reasons why they look so good. I was away last week for two days, and I was sure they had enough water to keep fresh. When I got back I was devastated to see that they had almost perished. I watered them, gave them plant food and put them in shelter. To my surprise, in the space of a few hours, they were coming back to bloom. Alright, some of the flowers did fall off, but the green had come back to life, and new flowers will come.

The Church, in Ireland at any rate, seems to be wilting. She constantly needs the freshness of the Word and Sacraments to be poured on her. God gives the growth. Isn't it wonderful to be in a ministry that can channel that Water of Everlasting life. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in Christ."

Please read the last line of the second reading. My Dad has a phrase he repeats (even to my less than godly siblings!) 'Keep the faith!' Only our faith can give the life so many people are desperate to find. When we preach our hearers should be able to say; "That man has faith" and be spurred on. Many cynics, even in the clergy, would dismiss such as wishful thinking, but that is how it works. Inspiration, encouragement, challenge, love; all of these attributes help us, priests and people, as one to keep going on the road that is long and narrow - the road to life eternal.

Soli Deo gloria!!


  1. Hi Shane,

    hanging baskets were not at the top of your list on Croagh Patrick or in Knock!!

    Mr Miyagi (Karate Kid) came to mind for me in today's Second Reading as he trains the Kid in developing natural reflexes (Wax on...wax off). Some of our natural reflexes need to be trained while others need to be honed (like in recruit training)...

    How might we as priests encourage parents and godparents to show their children that prayer is a natural reflex in times of joy and sorrow?

    Good wishes from Gormanston.

  2. Mr Miyagi (Karate Kid) springs to mind for me "Wax on ... wax off". Train Hard...Play Easy.

    It's the same for any sportstars or for soldiers...

    Mr Muyagi trained the kid to have good natural reflexes. As priests, we need to encourage parents, godparents, children and teachers to see prayer as a natural reflex which builds up a good Christian character.

    Otherwise, people will take short cuts (the narrow door) instead of making the effort to travel around to the main door and meet other good people who are all part of our journe.

    Hope the hanging baskets continue to bloom!

