Saturday, January 22, 2011

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A


Jesus had obviously been watching the fishermen at work.  He knew he would need others to help him in spreading the news of God’s Kingdom.  He begins selecting his team. He calls two sets of brothers.  Peter and Andrew were the first to be called.  Then James and John. They all leave their fishing nets immediately and follow Jesus.

Jesus tells them they will be fishers of men.  They now follow Jesus as he moves amongst the people proclaiming the Good News; healing the sick and helping all those in need.  These four are doing their apprenticeship so that when Jesus is no longer on earth they will carry out his work.

We too, are called to follow Jesus.  No matter what our circumstances, or what we do for a living, we must do our part in bringing the Good News to those we live with, work with, and meet each day. As St Theresa said: “Christ has no body now but yours; no hands, no feet but yours; yours are the eyes through which He looks with compassion on the world”.

So we each have a hand in spreading the news of God’s Kingdom.  No one can replace me!  So let us all play our part and not let the side down during 2011.
Lord, help me to respond in faith to your call.

I think this hymn has significant resonance this week:

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