Monday, September 20, 2010

26th Sunday in Ordinary time C

Am 6: 1a, 4-7
1 Tim 6: 11-16
Lk 16:19-31

Where Lazarus is poor no longer.

The funeral liturgy has many beautiful prayers. Over the ages most haunting and moving music has been employed to high-light words that give so much hope in the face of the ancient enemy. One of the main characters in the Gospel is there in the enchanting In Paradisum "where Lazarus is poor no longer".  When I read this Gospel the first thing that comes to mind is the complacency of the rich that Amos decries in the first reading. We see the rich man paying in eternity for his riches; or maybe for his lack of concern for the poor man at his very door step. But on a deeper reflection on the the reading, I am beginning to see something else. The dialogue between Abraham and the rich man is interesting. "Let me go and warn my brothers, so that they will not end up in this dreadful place". Abraham says if they do not listen to the Law and prophets they will not even listen to someone who comes back from the dead. 

But that is who we listen to, the One who has come back from the dead; Jesus, who is our Lord and God. 

There is much talk about boycotts this week in Ireland. There is a move next week, in some quarters, to boycott the Mass in protest over many issues; including the role of women in the Church. It would be tragic if people stayed at home when they had a chance to hear the words of the One who has come back from the dead. He tells us of the what is in store for us if we stay close to Him. He gives us the promise of  a world made new, a world "where there is no more tears, no more sadness" because "we shall see [Him] as he really is' and become like Him.  The only thing we should boycott is sin; but of course that is not headline stuff. 

Paul to Timothy puts it very clearly: we are to remember who it is we give witness to; Jesus Christ. In him do our hearts find joy.

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